Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Bio shit

I was baking bread again today. Another type, which needed an ingredient I hadn't used before, well at least not here in Switzerland. And since I didn't know the name (forgot to google), I searched the Coop shelves with a comb. Found it. But only one with a bio stamp. I hate bio.

First of all I don't exactly know what it means. Second, it sounds like hocus pocus, and is twice the price of anything else. Third, how can you know it's more healthy than "normal" products, I mean, where is the proof? And fourth, Bro's wife favours it.

So I wasn't happy buying it, but the bread turned out all right. I think I will spend the rest of my life searching for the same product without the word "bio" stamped on it. If I wasn't so busy!


Anonymous said...

oh dear, maybe you should find out what it is before declaring you hate it ;). bio = organic. Its not necessarily about being more healthy but about not using chemicals, which can't possibly be a bad thing. but yeah, some of it is just an excuse for charging more I reckon. and not liking something because someone annoying likes it - that I totally get!

Witchbitch said...

We're oh so mature :).