Thursday, February 21, 2013

Eco and bio and stuff

Am watching a tv program about consumers, and tonight they were talking about apples. Some apples have plastic labels on each apple, and the question was why. Had to do with regulation apparently, bio has to be marked. No mention of what the plastic labels do to the environment.

Makes me wonder, remembering a comment earlier about bio being organic or whatsit. Aren't all apples growing on trees? How can it be more "bio"? Yes, I can understand if you spray apple trees with some chemical to make them grow bigger or stay good longer, but still?

Nah, I'm not convinced about this bio shit. And besides, with all the chemicals in the world today, why try to avoid it? I embrace it, and I'm sick a lot less than my friends. Chew on that, people!


Anonymous said...

Even over 20 years ago when I worked in a supermarket, well before organic was so popular, plastic labels were on apples to inform what variety of apple they are and non-organic apples are also labelled. I think apple farms use quite a lot of pesticides. For me its more about what all the chemicals do to the environment rather than to you as an individual when you eat an apple. Why not have less since its not necessary

Witchbitch said...

But why are pesticides used if it's not necessary?

Anonymous said...

cheaper, easier, more 'perfect' looking apples