Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Birthday dinner

Threw a dinner tonight for four beloved friends. It's a deal since a few years that I cook on her birthday, and she cooks on mine. This time I invited some more friends, since I sincerely believe in the more the merrier.

As a starter I served three different kinds of homemade bread, and an aoili. Never did an aoili before, and it was really stinking of garlic, but judging by the speed it went I think they liked it.

Then we had a dish with cod fillet, dill, tomatoes, a sauce made of mascarpone and caviar, and the idea was to put shrimp on top until I learned that one of the guests don't like it. So served it on the side. This guy is really difficult with food. But hey, we're all allowed to have a weakness or two. Served with rice and peas.

And the non-drinker had pink champagne (thanks E, your bottle is now a goner!), white wine and dessert wine. I feel good about that, showing somebody who is inexperienced with alco that a small amount can also be fun. And a dessert of course.

Yes, it was fun. And perfectly acceptable to leave already at 23.00 on a Wednesday.

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