Monday, February 04, 2013

Less is more

Was watching a program on how to run a cafe. Made me think of all the hotels I've visited in my lifetime. There are plenty. But I tell you what, gimme a small family-run hotel or B&B over a big hotel chain any day.

Of course it has to be clean, hold a semi-comfortable bed (no bed other than my own is fully comfortable) and serve coffee in the morning.

I know, the big chains have a breakfast you'll die for being hungover, but not at the time they serve it. Brunch for me is from 1pm and forward, and when you travel that's a luxury you don't have.

I especially remember a small personal hotel in Valby, just outside Copenhagen, where I was staying almost every week for nearly half a year. It was a place where they knew my name the second time I checked in. They had 14 bedrooms, and the breakfast was fresh and just enough. They knew my favourite room, and had no problems with me bringing the rest of the wine with me to my room after having dined there.

Also, I remember a B&B outside Cape Town. I think it was in Franschhoek (if you can be arsed to search on the blog, I'm sure you'll find it). There we got up late, came out to the terrace and were promptly asked by the manager what we'd like for breakfast. They did everything, and we just had to ask. Fabulous.

Yes, I like the personal approach, rather than the "I'm-trained-to-be-friendly-to-guests". So in this case, less is more.


Anonymous said...

True, but I have to admit sometimes I prefer anonymity. In Britain, land of the B&B, I've often found the owners are a little too friendly so it can feel more like staying in Aunty Mildred's front room and all the polite behaviour obligations that go with it

Witchbitch said...

I have yet to experience that. Or maybe not.