Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'm a man!

Tonight I was invited for dinner with the neighbours, and I was hoping for a grill (since I don't have one) and I got it. Fabulous. And I ate a whole aubergine! Eggplant my ass, it tasted more like banana, but I like bananas so no complaints there.

Neighbour told me a story about when his company registered him being on maternity leave. His namn is foreign and so was interpreted by HR as being a woman. This makes me wanna start a story on HR in general, and according to my opinion they are not the sharpest knives in the toolbox, but let's leave that for another item.

Anyway, he was registered as being on maternity leave, and his boss vouched for him, being not. And when HR "after a deep investigation" (here I got the vision of him having to drop trou to prove himself), finally got it right, HR caved in. And decided he was probably a man after all.

It's interesting, me having been in the IT business since "forever", it never ceases to amaze me how stupid people can be. IT is a tool, a way to communicate, a method of keeping information, it is NOT a reason to be stupid.

But I'm happy to know he's a man. With a wife and two kids and all.


Anonymous said...

ha, my husband is always talking about the 3 months maternity leave he took.

Witchbitch said...

And I suppose HR registered him like that :).