Sunday, March 10, 2013

Annika 95

Fucketyfuck. Woke up at three this morning with excruciating pain in my lower back. Could hardly get out of bed, but finally rolled out and tried to walk around. It gets better when moving.

45 minutes later it was a bit better but not good, so searched my drawer and found one pill left in a box, a pain killer, best before 2010. Goes to show how often I use drugs.

3,5 hours later I could finally go back to sleep, mostly because of exhaustion. The cats however were delighted to be able to go on the balcony and play in the middle of the night.

So todays walk wasn't up the hill, it was into town to a pharmacy that's open on Sundays. So now I have stocked up on pills, in case it gets bad at night again.

I have also checked on youtube which exercises to do, and one of the reasons for this condition is apparently sitting too much, so today I have been walking or standing all day, moving my hips around and looking funny I'm sure. Good thing I have strong legs. And that I live alone.


Anonymous said...

How is the back and don't be a martyr if things don't improve. This is not a matter to mess around with! Take care. Steph

Witchbitch said...

Me a martyr? Hahahaha. It's slightly better thanks.