Monday, March 18, 2013

Stand up toilet

I was watching this program about people trying to change their lives by spending a summer on the countryside. Which is all fine and dandy, and spending time with goats, or running a b&b is all commendable, if it wasn't for the complaints about lack of luxury.

It made me remember the charter trips in my youth, where in Italy and Spain they had toilets which were basically a hole in the ground. And the toilet paper was kinda oily, and didn't absorb any liquid whatsoever.

I was told it was very hygienic when complaining (by men), but I wonder how hygienic it was when your urine splashed up on your feet and legs.

Guess it's new times now. People complain about different things, like when the iphone doesn't work or when the shop doesn't provide all the exotic ingredients you were planning for your dish.

Myself, I am looking forward to the movie about Kon-Tiki. There's a real adventurer for you. I bet he didn't care about toilets or any sort of luxury.

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