Sunday, March 24, 2013

I am always right

Me wrong? Not often if you ask me :). I have friends, a couple, who moved to Spain some time ago. I gave them six months over there, then I was certain they were moving back. They proved me wrong.

But today they called me. Back in Switzerland, but only for two weeks. We're gonna meet up soon, and I so wanna ask them why they want to stay in Spain, and not come back here. I wanna know why I was, I don't wanna say wrong, but perhaps slightly incorrect in my judgment.

Ok, the Spanish food is better than ze Swiss, but otherwise, what can possibly be better than Switzerland?


Anonymous said...

you should be glad you were wrong - different strokes for different folks etc. If everyone felt the way you do about Zurich there'd be too many people there and then it wouldnt be so cool.

Witchbitch said...

Very good point! And you chose to come back to Zürich :).

Anonymous said... always right?...I beg to differ!! :):):) Steph