Saturday, March 16, 2013

Push to tomorrow what you can do today

When I got my back pain I cursed myself for pushing things to do forward. Important things, like cleaning off the balcony and shaving my legs.

Yes, I know, you're laughing but having a clean balcony that is welcoming to tread onto is important to me. I want a nice cozy feeling when out there. And yes, I had already cleaned off the moss and cat hair, but it needs to be hoovered and scrubbed properly. But as it turned out, it was probably good I didn't do it, since it snowed a couple of days ago. Again.

With regards to my legs, I recently started to wear shorts again. Which I do most of the time at home, when it's not freezing outside. And looking like an Italian on the lower legs is not a sexy feeling. Fortunately I do not have dark hairs, but still. Not a good feeling, should a hunk happen to ring my door.

I think tomorrow is a leg day.


Anonymous said...

or should you get a last minute invitation to the swimming pool like I did this week and accepted before remembering the state of my legs. Luckily everyone else there was well over 70

Witchbitch said...

At least my legs are now dehaired.