Thursday, April 24, 2014

I'm considering false teeth

Second visit to the dentist today. If possible, even more unpleasant than last time.

He gave me an anaesthetic shot, less than last time, and I figured this'll be a breeze in comparison. Not. Drilling straight into the nerve again, and I had another near-pass-out-experience. Another couple of shots, and I was good to go, but it was strange to feel lame all the way from my left eye down to the cheek bone.

He started out with taking an x-ray, after the treatment another one, then came back shaking his head muttering "nicht gut". Oh dear. So he had to re-do whatever it was he was doing before once again. After like 75 minutes I was done.

His face lit up, and he said "now the root canal is fixed" (in German naturally). I'm not sure whether he's extremely qualified and take such pride in his work so that he won't leave it until it's perfect, or whether he's incompetent and therefore had to redo it. And in that chair it's difficult to ask that question.

Especially since I have to go back on Monday to finalize the treatment with a filling. At least that's what I think he said.

But the pain is gone (unless I bite really hard, which I shouldn't do just yet, but is difficult not to) and I have googled that it can be normal to need three treatments. Fingers crossed. Next week it should all be over (and the nurse promised me that the next treatment won't be painful).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think a lot of people are afraid of the dentist particularly because of the drill and the pain associated to it. And in your experience, the anxiety was doubled because of the bad feeling beforehand. Thankfully despite all that, the process still ended well. Hopefully your next visits will be less eventful. Take care!

Mildred Moss @ Dentures Done Right