Saturday, April 19, 2014

Onion hacker

Who would have thought that I was ever considering the purchase of an onion hacker? But I am. To be honest I didn't even know such a thing existed until recently.

Turns out that two different kinds are on offer in Migros. One plastic for 13 francs in white, and one for 18 francs in stainless steel. Am going for the second one. It probably won't go in the dishwasher but what the heck (hack). Hacking onions is not a fav, and whatever tool can help me in my cooking is welcome.

How I have changed. Earlier in life my money would've been thrown to more service-like things like restaurants, taxis and drinks, but now, just look at me. Trying to live a healthy life and buying thingies like onion hackers.

I really don't know whether I should be ashamed or proud.


Anonymous said...

well 18 francs wouldn't get you too far for restaurants taxis and drinks ;), you could probably still do both


Witchbitch said...

The thing is I no longer want to. Prefer to cook myself and have friends over to join.