Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pizza and girls talk

Had some friends over for dinner tonight. They are a bit strange, they do not eat meat. No bacon, no chicken, no big-ass cow, nothing that taste nice. So I decided to take the approach of "make your own darn pizza". And I ignored the talk of tofu, bulgur and whatsit.

I provided the dough, rolled out into my version of "round", and chopped a lot of various veggies. Then they had to make their own pizza. Kinda like fondue or raclette or tablegrill. Excellent. Nobody can complain.

And of course I had hidden a proper pizza slice in the fridge, covered with fatty bacon, chili and loadsa other good stuff. For me.

I think we were all happy to indulge, and as usual, girls (ok, women then) talk is always enjoyable.

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