Monday, September 28, 2015


A friend called me this evening. She's one of my best friends here in Switzerland, even though we don't see each other or talk that often. She has a busy life which I totally understand. I was there once myself.

So she called me 'cause she had a dream that I was unwell. How weird is not that? And I responded, that I thought she had read the blog. "Oh no", she replied, "I don't have time". Ah, ok, feeling that I don't write interestingly enough for even my good friends to read. A humbling experience.

But seriously, I'm not offended. Not a lot anyway :). And it was good to talk to her.


Anonymous said...

Well, I do read your blog, but only very seldom. I prefer to call you or to meet up and get an update about your life dirctly. I would find it strange to say (or think) each time you say something: yes, I know, I read it on the blog... Hug A;-)

Witchbitch said...

I know :).