Monday, September 28, 2015


I believe that today will be a chapter in my history book about the worst pain I've ever experienced. Fucketyfuck!

This morning, after five days of constant pain and sleepless nights, I went back to the dentist. During this period I have been able to localize the pain, which I couldn't do when it started. It's still painful all over the right jaw, but the most sore point is a tooth. Surprise, surprise.

So the guy gave me two anaesthetic shots which numbed a part of the mouth, but not the actual spot. Another two and I could still feel the tooth, which didn't stop him from gearing up the drill. I cannot tell you how painful it was when he drilled straight into the nerve. My body twiched, I clenched my fists and couldn't stop myself from screaming (electric chair-like). And I am normally quite resistant and consider myself having a fairly high pain threshold. At one point he asked me to lower my hands, perhaps he was afraid I was gonna punch him.

And this went on and on. I think he hit the nerve maybe 5-6 times, each time equally painful. And he had the nerve (!) to say: "yes I know it's "unangenehm"", i.e. uncomfortable. That's the understatement of the century! I cannot decide if I like that he has no empathy and got on with the job or not.

And the explanation I got about not getting enough anaesthetics, was something about PH value acidic and basic working against each other. Hmmm??

Turns out I have a crack in that particular tooth with an infection. Last and only time before that happened in 1996 or 1997 (due to an unfortunate chicken bone in a pizza) it ended up with the tooth being removed and replaced with a crown.

Anyway, so now he has attempted to mend it and given me antibiotics and more (useless?) painkillers. If it doesn't work in 3-4 days that bloody tooth has to come out.

After the whole ordeal I felt dizzy, so the more empathic nurses had me lie down and put a wet cloth on my forehead, and offered me a glass of water. I ended up sitting in the waiting room before I felt stable enough to walk home.

I guess the only positive factor is that it's the tooth next to the wisdom tooth, so it cannot be seen. Still, losing a tooth means I ain't getting any younger! Which indeed would be a miracle :).


Anonymous said...

egad! I think I would have rathered have had the thing pulled out at the beginning to avoid all the pain (and costs no doubt). but I guess pulling teeth willy nilly is not good dental practice.


Witchbitch said...

Well, the dentists first diagnosis was that it was muscular. Muscular my ass. But fortunately I have a dental insurance that will cover most of it.