Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Democracy at its finest

Tonight was a great evening. I had invited a couple, quite a bit older than me, for dinner. At the same time I had talked to another friend about meeting up, and as it turned out, he could only make it today. So I decided to let them meet each other.

On one hand we had the older conservative been-together-forever couple, dressed up nicely and always behaving, on the other hand the motorbike guy clad in leather with tattooes and an attitude.

And it was a hit! At least for the guys who discussed politics, religion and who-knows-what. We, the women, were shakin' our heads and tried to butt in but to no avail. I think it's great that different generations, backgrounds and cultures can still have a nice evening together.

They kept on talking, talking, talking and when I served the dessert the mc guy was drinking out of the bowl to get the last bit of juice, to be followed by the older and more conservative guy doing just the same. This is what I like to see when I throw a dinner or party. Unruly behaviour and not being predictable.

A fab evening!

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