Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Swiss XXIV

Today I went to the "Kreisbüro", the office that handles the applications for a Swiss ID. Yes, you'd think that the paper from yesterday would be enough, but no. Ze Swiss requires you to have at least an ID, even if you don't want a passport. Another 70 francs.

And of course I didn't think to bring a photo. I wasn't the first, since a photo-machine was placed in the foyer. One of these modern ones, which the staff knew, so I was guided through the whole process. Even when we left, me being 10 francs poorer, the machine was still talking.

You're not allowed to show teeth on the pic, why I have no clue, but I remember one time when I took a photo for a passport and had to show an ear. New year, new rules.

So of course I looked really silly, not being made up for a pic. But that's almost always the case, isn't it? I've never seen anybody look good on a passport or ID pic.

I was promised that it would be delivered to me in ten working days, so I hope to have it all done this year. Wouldn't that be something to celebrate on the 31st?

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