Friday, December 11, 2015


Since a couple of weeks the water in the kitchen hasn't drained properly, and every time the dishwasher was running it collected dirty water in the sink. Yikes.

We've tried everything from cleaning the bit you can reach, pumping to various kinds of cleaning products (avoid, avoid, no good for environment, but when desperate...). Anyway, I had to give in and call a professional.

And professional he was, bringing the heavy artillery with hoses, pump and all sorts of gadgets. Loud they were too, but after an hour or so my pipes were as good as new. Apparently you're supposed to do this every 4-5 years and I've been living here 6.5.

But he gave me a good tip. Instead of trying the useless products on the market, boil several liters of water and splash it down the sink, all in one go. That will clean out fat and things stuck. I shall do this now and then.

But for now, I have a pristine sink with pipes as clean as a whistle.

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