Sunday, February 15, 2009


I've always been blonde, except for when I just was born and had black hair, I have always always been blonde. Therefore it's a bit disconcerting to discover that with age I'm getting darker and darker. I'm one of those who, except for a few brief years in the 80's (hello poodle perm!), always have had the same hairdo. Babyhair, nothing to do about it. If I spray or mousse it, it stays good for an hour, then it looks the same again so why bother? I don't like when I don't recognize myself in the mirror, so the past few years I've been taking help from the hairdresser in getting strands of blonde back onto my head. However, now my hairdresser has moved to suburbia, so I've been a little lost. Until I realized that I can do it myself! With a little help from a box of "Ashblonde" from Migros, I am currently waiting with gooey in my hair to enforce blonde so that I'll recognize myself again. Oh the excitement I create on a Sunday!


Anonymous said...

you never realised before you could do it yourself?!

Witchbitch said...

I never did! But for 11,90 I look the same as after a visit to the hairdresser for at least 10 times as much.