Thursday, February 12, 2009

Socialist Swiss

I guess there is a reason for having red in the Swiss flag. Today after meeting with the auditor I understand why. When you own an apartment you are penalized with taxes, i.e. you are paying taxes like you rent out your flat even if you live in it yourself. This comes back to the old days when owners had tax deductions and renters had not. This was not considered fair, and therefore an additional tax was thrown upon owners to make people more equal. Meaning if you had the brains, worked hard, saved money and invested it, you were punished. Whereas the slackers got a tax break without working for it. Can you tell I'm right-wing? Since ze Swiss are slow changers, the system is still the same. So now I'm gonna have to tax like I rent out my flat, even though I paid premium price for it and live in it myself. Good thing my auditor told me that my area of Zürich has become just as expensive as Zürich city. Now I can frown upon all the losers who have not invested here!

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