Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No 1 and No 2

I have a friend who has stomach problems. She's been to the doctor and was asked to give a pee sample. This led to a discussion when she had to give a stool sample and was given a minimal cup to do it in. Which in turn led to quite a hilarious discussion about how you are to know how big the turd will be, minor "stone", medium "sausage" or a real biggie. Or in fact if you are departing with a lose version of No 2. And why you are not given the appropriate cup to make your deposit in. I would've loved to have had this discussion during a wine session! Anyway. Her problems now are more of an intermittent nature, and so she's been asked to give a urine sample whenever she has problems. Not only one, but over a 24-hour-period. Hence the cup sized portable-toilet they gave her. Is she now supposed to drag this around with her? Yeah, I'd like to see that happen. NOT.

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