Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fuck Vista and Credit Suisse

Or whatever it is that makes my "printer" not picking up that I connect it to my computer. I say "printer" because it hasn't printed since I last bought colour boxes for it. Again. For another 100 bucks. Anyway, I wanted to show you the letter I got from the bank (Credit Suisse). I finally got around to send the hate letter. And I got an answer. Not from the CEO himself but from a minion. "Dear mrs and then my name. We acknowledge receipt of your above mentioned letter to Mr Bady Dougan (I just love that they misspell their own CEO's name!), Chief Executive Officer of Credit Suisse, which he forwarded to us for clarification". Of course he did. He doesn't want to deal with minor customers like myself, especially since I have already moved my business away from them. No, CEO's like to cash in the money for themselves, not having to deal with the people who give them the business. That's a big no no. Then "In order to be able to comment on the issues you raised, we have to investigate. We will let you know the result of our enquiries as soon as possible". And "Thank you for your understanding". Going on with yours sincerely and all. If they were sincere they wouldn't have fucked me and my money, would they? And how do they know I'm understanding? I'm not. Wouldn't have sent the letter if I did, now would I? To be continued...

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