Friday, March 30, 2012

Forgetful or ignorant?

I have a friend who accuses me of never listening to her. It's because something she mentioned in passing, and I had forgotten. She brings it up again, and I remember.

It reminds me of two people. One was the Indian guy who lived with me at my last place, and he told me upfront that he was forgetful. I understood what he meant when he almost put fire to the kitchen (having forgotten he put oil in a pan).

The other person it reminds me of, is somebody who could say in a conversation "well, don't you remember on August 21, 2007, when you said this?". And honestly, I could not. I do not keep track of what I said when and where.

Perhaps it's like my Mum said when I was young and paid no attention to what people were wearing, "you are just ignorant". I think she was probably right, since fashion has never interested me.

However, I do want to listen to my friends but at the same time, I do not want to keep track of what they said and when. Life goes on, and nobody is perfect. Present company excluded of course :).

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