Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lamp closure

After some "negotiation", i.e. gentle pursuation from my part I finally got the confirmation I wanted.

"Dear Mrs,

Thank you for your feedback.

After consultation with my colleagues again, we are happy to inform you that we will reimburse the cots you had in full.

Enclosed you will find our credit note. In the next few days, we will credit the value to your´s credit card.

We apologize for any convenience you were caused by this occurrence.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us."

Think they might have meant costs. Anyway, I am so glad I didn't respond what first got in my head (imagine the language here) when I got the first response, but rather waited and finetuned my answer. I simply asked whether she herself would accept to pay in advance for a product, then have to pay extra when it didn't work. I am now being reimbursed with 185 euros, which was the extra cost I had for the faulty delivery.

A decent company, not many of those around these days!

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