Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Home blind

You know, now that I lived in my new and might I add fabulous place, I am getting home blind. I no longer see what needs to be fixed or changed, 'cause I'm used to seeing it every day.

Therefore I'm (kinda) grateful to a critical friend, who always says what's on his mind. Not that I always appreciate it, but it makes me think.

So when he asked me "why is your wall so dirty?" I became defensive and explained it's because of the cats. And it is, it's next to the cat tree and they tend to climb half-way down the wall before jumping down.

But when he left, I tried to clean it and whaddayaknow, the dirt came off! So now I have this plan about my whole living room, gonna clean a bit every day and have the goal that after a month it'll be like new! Mind you, the ceiling will be tricky. But challenges are to be overcome, aren't they?

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