Friday, January 03, 2014

My very own USB-stick

I have a friend. He's irritating. He's the kinda guy that is all or nothing, black or white, you either love him or hate him, he is challenging. And he's my friend since 19 years.

To be honest, he's not somebody who I could be with 24-7, but then again, I'm not that type of person either. 24-7 with somebody scares the shit outta me.

So he has a lot of pro's and con's, and one pro is definitely, in this context, his control freakiness. He keeps everything. In another context that would certainly freak me out, and make me think of people who live in caravans surrounded by paper bags and empty bottles, but with him it's electronic.

So when I today asked him if he had a pic of us taken at the millennium shift he delivered almost immediately. And when I get permission to post a pic I'll tell you why I asked.

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