Saturday, January 04, 2014

Oldies but goodies

I really enjoy this volunteering work in the old peoples home. I walk in there, and Herr Müller is sleeping peacefully on the top of a shelf and we have a brief petting session, then I'm preparing the coffee machine (which badly needs a cleaning and why oh why isn't the old coffee machine that isn't working anymore being removed?). Then getting the hot milk and hot water and other drinks from the kitchen.

This is an enigma. When women are working in the kitchen, it is never a problem getting hot milk but when men are working there, hot milk is a problem. "No we don't have it". So why do women provide service, and men don't? You tell me.

But it really is a pleasure, and now I'm learning who wants what. A coffee with double cream? No problem. A tee cup with coffee 'cause his hands are shaking too much to hold a normal mug? No issue. The woman having lost fingers needing help with putting cream in her coffee? I'll do it for you. The old man who always orders a glass of wine, then another one, and gets louder with every deciliter (not that I could understand him being sober since he doesn't have all his teeth in), good for him still enjoying life, and the woman who always smiles but cannot remember if she paid or not, sweetie.

They are all darlings, if only it wasn't so friggin hot in there! They are always asking me if I'm not freezing, wearing a sleeveless top, while I'm sweating. It's like 25°C in there!

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