Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bad taste

I have a couple of neighbours who think it is tasteful to put a ring of dead leaves on their door. A circle of something that I'm sure was once alive and kicking, but now is just a sad ring of deceased greenery.

Why? If it was Christmas, I would guess they wanted to spread a bit of Christmas cheer, but since it's March, I have no idea why.

Otherwise they are nice, so I don't want to confront them, but why oh why?


Anonymous said...

Isn't it an Easter/Spring celebration thing? I think its pretty common here, some of them are kinda nice if you like that sort of thing, but yeah, there's no accounting for taste! Why would you confront them? its got nothing to do with you.


Witchbitch said...

Well, I have to look at the darn thing when passing in the stairs.