Thursday, March 27, 2014

This sporting thingie

This losing weight business has a definite downside. I am used to drinking some wine in the evening, and I'm known for not being much affected by it. And I agree, I enjoy drinking wine but I don't enjoy getting drunk. I like the buzz the alcohol is giving me. The creativity (yes, sometimes I'm writing a lot of things on a note pad which in the morning seems...well...less interesting) and the feeling it's giving me. But that's it. I'm not into any other drugs than alcohol and nicotine. And when I had enough I go to bed.

And this is what bothers me. Before the new healthy me I used to go to bed pretty late. I've always been an evening/night person and horrible in the morning (you talk to me in the morning, and I'm considering striking you from my friends list!). But now it's changed. Not my wine consumption in the evening, but the time I go to bed. All of a sudden I feel the impact of the alco and decide I want no more.

This needs to change. It's a fifty-fifty if I downsize my wine consumption or stop doing sports!

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