Wednesday, March 05, 2014


I cannot believe I bought dumbbells! But I thought since I now do my stepping thing, pushups and situps I should add a little something to strengthen my arms. They are very weak, and I always felt a bit stupid not being able to open cans and jars without difficulty.

But when I got home I realized that each of them weighed not 0.9 kg as promised in the shop, but 450 grams each. 450 grams doesn't sound a lot, even though I checked the weight on my kitchen scale and found out it was actually 464 grams. I guess the straps were 14 grams. And they only came in pink, I'm guessing no man would ever be seen with such light dumbbells.

Anyway, used them tonight in my 25 minutes long stepping session lifting hands up and down, in and out, looking like I wanted to fly. Good thing nobody saw me. But I actually believe I will feel it tomorrow. A small step for me, but no giant leap for mankind.

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