Sunday, March 30, 2014


I totally messed up today. I was prepared, and had already adjusted all my clocks yesterday. However, in the wrong direction. I saw an article in the paper, and obviously read it the wrong way.

So this morning I thought I was an early bird at 7.30 am, which is pretty unusual for me, but it turned out to be 9.30, which is far more normal.

First I noticed when my mobile phone wanted to make an update, which I accepted, and I thought it got it wrong. Then I logged on to my computer, which also had it wrong. Or so I thought.

Then I tried the telly, which didn't work. Surprising. Something about a cable not connecting, which goes to show I never watch telly. Might have been faulty for months. Then I checked my automatically updated weather thingie, which showed yesterdays time. So much for automatic.

For a little while there I was confused, until I realized that the computer and phone were right, and that I got it wrong.

Note this people, 'cause it doesn't happen often :).

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