Friday, October 30, 2015


I have now lived in my fabulous flat for over six years. The house has four flats and my share is 22% of the house. This means that I should roughly have that percentage of the cost. However, the first few years I had heating cost way above my share, up to 34%, but it took me some years to realize that.

First of all, we only get the numbers once a year so it was only after three years (year four) when I did a comparison and realized I was way above where I should've been. I had a guy over from the heating company to adjust my heating thingie, and to explain to me how the cost could've been so high. Turned out that it probably was because the balcony door was open (for the cats) too often, and when the floor heating was on the heat disappeared through to the balcony and the system was working hard to keep an even temperature. Expensive little hairy monsters!

So since a few years I have strived to not only be restrictive with the balcony door, but also to not switch on the heating too early in the autumn. This years it's been off since April and I still haven't switched it on. Despite that, I have around 22°C in the flat (thanks surrounding neighbours and the hot summer).

And today I got the reconciliation papers for the past year, and I'm down to 15% of the heating cost for the whole house! Pat on back big time!

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