Friday, October 30, 2015

Exit work

So I resigned after two weeks of delivering mail. The reason was not that I didn't like the work, I did, fresh air, movement and the work appealed to me. Everything neatly in order, and only myself to rely on getting the job done.

However, working for free for a private company is not for me. Six hours of my time invested, and minimum wage for two and a half. Not my cup of tea.

It is possible that I could've learned to sort all the piles a bit quicker with time, but still, to do it properly so that you don't have to go back to an address with an item you sorted incorrectly, takes time. And I don't think anybody, except for maybe an athlete, could drag around 70-80 kg's in one round. Besides, the wagon was too small to take all the mail. When I stuffed the two bags, there were still six piles that didn't fit.

However, I offered the manager to come to my place and show me how it's done in the time allotted, saying that if she could do it I could learn, and guess what? No reply, even though she claimed she had done the round herself. Ha! Well, good luck with finding a loser who wants to work for free.

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