Saturday, October 10, 2015

This and that

Nice day. I was working serving the elderly their coffees and cookies, today it was Berliner. This Donut-like cake-thingie with jam inside. It was appreciated. I cuddled with the two visiting cats, and had the pleasure of serving also two of my friends who came for a surprise visit. I also ran into a new friend of mine, and we compared health progress. My tooth is now healed. Fingers crossed!

Then we went to see my friends new apartment. I just love seeing how everybody else lives, and it is especially interesting to see an empty flat, 'cause I know it'd look different if I would've furnished it. But I so look fw to their housewarming. They have a great view of the city, and something I'm jealous of. An open fireplace on the terrace!

Then a quick drink at my place, and now I'm baking cookies. Lemon is todays theme.

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