Friday, October 23, 2015


Yesterday was busy, but it ended very nicely. Some very good friends and I were celebrating for several reasons. One, that I got accepted by the canton of Zürich, and yes, another reason too :). Let me give you a hint, I feel younger and fitter than ever. Even though I may not be.

We spent the evening having first an apero, then a delicious dinner and an interesting tour in the house where we were.

The table was set with fresh flowers and as a starter we got a yummy salad, for main whisky-flambeed meat with baked tomatoes and roasted potatoes, and a sauce made from the flambe-remains. Dessert was as usual my fav, a rolled cake with raspberries and cream. And I got a bag of leftovers with me!

In the end of the evening we got a tour of the house. Of course, I've seen it before, but now a feature had been added. A specially made table to fit into the attic, surrounding the chimney, holding a miniature town including public transportation. It is funny to think that the people living there are older than me, but I gotta admit, once I got to drive the trains, I got hooked. It was fun!

But you had to drive carefully, otherwise a wagon or two would get on the lose. Just happy it doesn't happen in reality.

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