Monday, October 12, 2015

Locked in

I haven't been riding for a while now 'cause I haven't been well, but today it was time to get up in the saddle again. It didn't start out very well though. I got locked in one of the stables. I was there peacefully preparing my horse, when I heard somebody shouting. Too late I realized why. I was locked in, and the lesson was about to start in ten minutes.

Fortunately I was able to get out by climbing through fences (luckily not electric!), and for each one I saw a surprised horse looking at me.

And it was happy days. Lately I've had a feeling that it didn't go too well, and that I'm not making progress, but today was different. First, I had my fav, and second, I was able to melt in with the group. We seemed to be on the same level. So even though we were five today, it went very smoothly and I had a good feeling. I felt more secure and relaxed. Possibly the horse felt it too.

After that I was served a delicious dinner, so another good day.

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