Monday, September 08, 2008

I love you but I love me more

A classical saying by Samantha in Sex and the city, apropos CG leaving. Not that I loved CG but I really liked having him around. Until the last month, when it got unbearable for reasons I shall let remain private. Feels a bit like dr House who on telly was just asking one of his students „Have you been insulted in the last half hour?” and the student responding “No”. Dr House: “Check your email”. Let's just say that our interests were non-aligned at this point in time, that we agreed on disagreeing and that we're parting on friendly terms. At least I think they will feel friendly in a week or so. And that's not bad, when you can feel like that. But all for the best, and now we're moving on. Forward and hopefully upward in my case...


Anonymous said...

ah, i had a feeling CG's moving out was not so straight forward

Witchbitch said...

Maybe not, but a mutual decision. I wish him all the best.