Monday, September 08, 2008


I cannot remember ever having written about politics before, but there's a first time for everything. This Sarah Palin, McCains No 2 scares the shit outta me. One of those box-politicians who thinks that everybody who is not white, christian and pro-family should be executed. I rather think it's her who should be if not executed, so educated. When Hillary didn't make it quite to the top I kinda lost my trust (if I ever had it!) in American politics. Well at least I was hoping for the poor yankies to get a new start with Obama. But I donnaw now. The American people are not well known for their ability to choose real political leaders. The understatement of the century? I think we're in for a rough ride in the world. So glad I live in Switzerland! Not that the politicians here are something to write home about, but we do have a good life quality and standard and a social security net for the needy. Ok, enough with the serious stuff!

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