Saturday, September 06, 2008


I did it. I know, before you complain that webcams are old news I just want to remind you that my old pc was just that. Old. Couldn't cope with new technology. But I am now happy to inform you that it works. As long as you don't move fast. We didn't get the voice to work though (hello, did we try?) so perhaps add Skype next time. Anyhow, I've now seen their new house from every angle. I had her walk around showing me. Neat.


Anonymous said...

I think we could do talk also on this webcam thing we used through messenger. I'll just have to get the headphone/microphone from the storage room. Did not think I would ever use it, so I packed it away. I have no idea about the sound quality through these types of services, but it's supposed to be good. Just keep your clothes on next time :-)

Witchbitch said...

I had clothes on! Shorts and a top. And I'm not sure I have a headphone, think it might be built into the computer.