Friday, September 05, 2008

Potential stalker

When I was in Zug the other day I went to order another drink and this guy looked at me and said "hi, Annika". Hmm. While it's always nice to be recognized, I didn't remember this guy from a hole in the wall. So he told we met at J's party (J is the guy I know in the band and the reason I went there), and I said that must have been something like 3 years ago (since I've only been to J's place once and that was a long time ago). No he said, that was 4 years ago. On the 22nd of August. Oh fuck. Thoughts that were going through my head at the time were either something really special must have happened to him that day, or he doesn't have a life. Both equally disturbing. But I choose to think that maybe he was just pulling my leg, trying to make me think I was special, and I was somebody to be remembered. However, for a while it was fun to believe I had my own personal stalker...

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