Saturday, November 29, 2008

Going nowhere

SBN decided that tonight was the night to go out. Perhaps he finally got it, after having lived with me for 2,5 months or it was another reason. Nevertheless, he ended up going out with me to my place. And then we had a discussion whether I should exercise more. I don't exactly know why he brought this particular topic up (and had he known me better, he never would've) but he kept on pushing that I should walk more. Walk? If I don't have a goal, I don't walk. I don't see the point in walking for no reason. The most pathetic thing I can think of is people who pay money to go to a gym to use a stair-machine. I walk in stairs every day for the purpose of going somewhere. I walk to the bus or tram or train for a reason. "If you don't know where you're going, any path will take you there" or "If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know once you’re there? But he was wise enough to shake on "agree to disagree". A clever man knows when to stop digging!


Anonymous said...

but you could walk to go somewhere - ie to your place instead of getting the bus - would be cheaper than all those doctor visits you seem to need

Witchbitch said...

Excuse me? One visit to the doctor to get him to prescribe the pills counts as "all those visits". Hadn't seen the guy in at least three years.

Besides I do walk when the weather is nice, i.e. not in December.

Anonymous said...

he, he, must just be all this mention of blood pressure measuring etc that made me think you'd been visiting the doctor.