Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama went

So Barack did it. Good for the US. And good for the world. Let's hope that he now lives up to promises, but I think you have to go back to the days of Kennedy to compare the feelings people have for this guy. Hope he's gonna address the economy, because without it nothing else matters. And my bank account can use a bit of a push right now...


Anonymous said...

He sure did. A very moving night on Tuesday here in Chicago. I caught a bit of the rally early in the evening then retreated to a bar to watch the speeches and some tunes. People are absolutely giddy here as now we have "our" guy as president and believe we're a shoe-in for the 2016 Olympics. Hope all is well with you Annika!


Witchbitch said...

Hey, are you the Chris I think you are? Long time, no hear. Happy to hear from you! Congrats on the election. Hope you and your family are great. Everything fine this end. Well you'd know that if you read the blog :)

PS. Send me an email. I've lost your address.