Saturday, November 08, 2008

Friday evening blues

Whatever that means. Remember last Friday I was so tired, but through stamina had a really good evening at the Halloween party. Tonight, on the contrary, I was rested and on the go. The Oktoberfest thing yesterday got cancelled so slept 7 solid hours without even waking up once last night. Yet, here I am. At home just after midnight, feeling the bed calling me. Yikes. But on the other hand, I'm in spirit not as old as SBN who went to the gym (!) this evening and then straight home. How sad is that for a 27-year-old? Hurray, I'm still in the game!


Anonymous said...

'Friday evening blues'
bet he doesnt need to take even those half pills though

Witchbitch said...

Like I said, he's 27.