Thursday, November 27, 2008

Blurry vision

About 8 years ago I had a laser operation done on both my eyes for nearsightedness. It was extremely painful. The actual operation was not since it took about 60 seconds per eye and I had local anaesthetic, but afterwards. Man! I did one eye in December and the next one in January. Second eye I asked for morphine, which only helped slightly. Up until 14 hours after the operation I was in serious pain. I couldn't see, the eye was rinning, I couldn't face light, I couldn't do much but just sit and wait for the pain to go away. It was awful. Mind you, I looked pretty cool when I the third day was in the pub with sunglasses. So it's safe to say that I'm a little worried now when I realize I start to see a bit blurry again. A couple of years ago I got glasses to use for long-distance like tv and to spot potentially interesting men the other side of the pub. But I was still fine with short-distance. Still ok with short-distance but it's definitely more blurry on distance. Hmmm. No way I'm doing another operation. I was hoping that age would take its tribute, since I've heard that old people get long-sighted. Why can't my eyes understand that I'm getting older?

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