Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Credit Suisse sucks again

Got another letter from Credit Suisse today, saying that "The investigations (are there more than one?) are being delayed and we are unfortunately not yet able to comment on the issue you raised. Therefore we kindly ask you for your patience. We will contact you in due time." The two letters I received in response to my complaint letter both have two peoples signatures. Why? I guess nobody in a bank wants to take responsibility, but want the opportunity to blame the other. What do you think? The first letter was dated 17th of February, the other 2nd of March. It wasn't exactly a rocket science complaint I had. Guess the new buzzword(s) in business "customer centricity" doesn't mean a thing to Credit Suisse.


Anonymous said...

'Credit Suisse'
if there's one thing the Swiss dont know, its customer service

Witchbitch said...

No shit.