Thursday, March 26, 2009

Holiday - Dubai IV

Dubai is really an oxymoron. On one hand you see burkhas, and on the other hand you see women walking around with bare bellies. Money really talks in this country. It is apparently fine with religion, as long as it doesn't clash with capitalism. Fuckin' hypocrites.
I am wondering why women are expected to walk around in black burkhas which attracts heat in a country that is really really hot, whereas the men wander around in white sheets with a tea towel in red and white on their heads. Oppressing women was invented here I'm sure. And what bothers me most is that I was there on International womens day, and the women did not object. There were no rallies, no demonstrations, no nothing. It's what I always thought. Women is feminisms worst enemy. Shame on them!
Btw, here's the latest fashion in sheets and tea towels!

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