Saturday, March 28, 2009

Holiday - Cape Town V

If you go to Cape Town you really must go to Robben Island. It affected me more than I thought. This is the place where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for some 24 years.
The guides on the islands (you're driven around in buses, allowed only to go out in the prison itself. I was told they fear that tourists left on their own would steal things, which wouldn't surprise me. People are stupid) are all either ex-prisoners or ex-prisonguards. This was a bit surprising to me, that the guards were welcome but I guess some of them were "only following orders" (does Germany ring a bell here?).
Our two guides were both ex-prisoners, charged with treason. For me, who is white, born in a "good" and rich country, never having experienced being unwelcome, it is an eye-opener. Of course I know these things existed, but they really get more real seeing it in person.
Some of the pics displayed shown here.

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