Friday, March 27, 2009

Holiday - Cape Town I

Now over to a much more pleasurable place - Cape Town. I tell ya, I have fallen in love with the place. It must be the ultimate place to live, well apart from Zürich then.
There are gazillions of things to do and see, they have a fantastic climate (at least when we were there, my friend recommended March and it couldn't have been better) and great beaches. The Atlantic ocean is just by the city, with the soothing sound of waves.
We were met at the airport, and spent a nice first evening catching up with my friends. We stayed with them for almost a week, and it's great with somebody who can recommend things to do and see, direct you and get you the inside information. Saves a lot of time, which can then be focused on what you want to do, rather than seeking information.
I am fortunate to have such generous friends. Love you guys!

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