Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A dream come true

Remember M? He's the most reliable friend I have, at least here in Zürich, so tonight we met up for him to get my keys since he will be looking after my flat (and my precious plants) when I'm away. It's good with friends like that.
And it gave us a chance to catch up, since he's "too busy" to read my blog and I hadn't heard the latest in his life. It's a good thing to catch up now and then.
Also, he has access to cheapo chocolate, so a coordinated visit to his neck of the woods on Friday was agreed. I need to bring lots and lots of chocolate to friends in Cape Town.
But the funniest thing happened on the way home from the bus. I saw this (see pic). I can only conclude that somebody had gotten very angry and thrown a plant on the street from a window. I always wanted to do that. But I guess more so with clothes from a soon-to-be-ex. Throw all the clothes on the street in an act of passion. I still have 1. to be passionate enough and 2. find somebody to piss me off enough. There is still time...

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