Monday, July 20, 2009

Appliance delivery

A bit of a drama this morning I must say. I was outside my new house at 8 in the morning waiting for the guys from Bauknecht. They arrived on time and had all the products I ordered with them. So far so good. At the same time the people from the kitchen-supplier were there, and there was a lot of swearing and moaning about "this is a friggin building site, how are we supposed to get the stuff in?". Like I would know. The building coordinators had not shown up. Well, they managed to get the appliances up the stairs, but my beloved food-center was too big they claimed. So I called the construction manager and he told them to put it in the garage. I later found out that I would have to pay for a crane, to get the fridge/freezer into my flat. Jeez! That is extra cost I don't need. Had a feeling those cranes cost a fortune. Which is why I was really really relieved to get a phone call just now to tell me that they're gonna fix it this afternoon. For free. Apparently they have another delivery that comes in a truck with a crane, and they will do it for me. I am so happy!

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