Saturday, July 18, 2009

Spider woman

Have had itches lately. On my back in case you had dirty thoughts. Discovered (with the help of a mirror) today that I have a sort of an insect bite on my back just above the bra line. This is very very scary. It has been hot in Zürich and I've slept with little clothes on and with an open window. I visualize a giant spider (Huntsman-like) taking a stroll over my back when I sleep. This is not comforting. I really do hate insects! And FYI I actually saw Huntsman-spiders live in the scary place down-under! A spider as big as my hand! I just don't understand people who wants to live in a country where animals might kill you!


Anonymous said...

'spider woman'

took my time but finally a comment:

A huntsman cant kill you!, they're unlikely to even bite you.

I like this on the wiki page "Many Australians will relocate huntsman spiders to the garden rather than kill them" so true, thats what I do. Killing spideys is bad karma

Witchbitch said...

Hehe, knew I wasn't getting away with it. I know they are not deadly, but their size scares the shit outta me.